Did you know that Rotary International’s campaign to eradicate polio, launched almost 40 years ago, has saved 21,000,000 children from the paralysis of polio? Last year, there were just 12 cases worldwide, and none so far this year. Our goal is total polio eradication! Please consider donating a few dollars to finish the job: https://www.endpolio.org/donate
Our newest corporate member: Summit West CPA Group
Summit West CPA Group has been approved by the Board for corporate membership in the Lander Rotary Club. Jon Tonkowich will serve as the primary member. “Summit West has historically sponsored a club member and we are excited to see them come on as a corporate member,” says Club President Mandy Fabel, who sponsored Summit West.
“RYLA changes kids’ lives,” says a former counselor. “I’ve seen it happen.”
RYLA is a Rotary sponsored summer leadership program where young people can learn, develop, and enhance their leadership skills. It is open to current 7th graders (Young RYLA) and 10th/11th graders (RYLA) and is held at the YMCA of the Rockies in Estes Park, CO. The Lander Rotary Club pays the cost of attendance. If you know of anyone who would benefit from this outstanding program, please pass this information on to them. Contact RYLA Chair Shelby Rohrbacher, shelbygcronk@gmail.com, a RYLA alum, with all your questions. For the registration link, click here: RYLA Application Sessions will be held in June and July. The application deadline is April 15. We have room for 11 students from Lander.
Cell phone project for Ukraine – 36 and counting!
Our club has shipped 36 converted solar panels to Ukraine and is ready to send 12 more. The project chair, Ken Schreuder, is looking for businesses and organizations to sponsor more panels. A non-Rotarian in Florida is sending us $200/month to send even more. If you want to help, please let Ken know, ken.schreuder@gmail.com
Fund-raising Continues for Rwanda Global Grant Project
The club’s Service Committee is continuing to seek support for our Global Grant project to train nurses in Rwanda to diagnose and treat strep throat in children in its early stages, so as to prevent the development of often-fatal rheumatic heart disease. The committee has roughly $13,000 in pledges from individuals and is seeking additional pledges from individuals, businesses and Rotary clubs and districts. The overall cost of the project is estimated to be just under $100,000. Please contact the chair, Maria Kidner,m2kidner2@gmail.com, if you want to help.
College Scholarship Applications due by March 31
The Lander Rotary Club will once again award a first-year, $1,500 college scholarship to a service-oriented Lander high school senior in 2024. To be eligible, applicants must be students at Lander Valley High School or Pathfinder High School or enrolled in a home-school program. The application deadline is March 31, 2024. The application can be found on the Club Website at https://landerrotary.org/